Pui Pui Molcar - TV Tropes (2025)

Characters from Pui Pui Molcar(WIP)

In General

Voice Actor: Tsumugi (Guinea Pig samples)

  • Aerith and Bob: The range of Molcar names leans heavily towards nonsense and regular pet names (Popomu, Potato, Shiromo) if they're not outright description names, but actual names sneak by sometimes. Even those range from somewhat rare (Teddy, Cher) to normal (Peter).
  • Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: Molcars come in all sorts of colors. Our main Molcars are more standard colors for real life guinea pigs, but more exotic colors (like purple or blue or chick yellow) show up quite often.
  • Animal-Vehicle Hybrid: The Molcars themselves; they're car-sized guinea pigs with wheels instead of feet, and humans can get in and out of them and drive them like regular cars. Episode 11 reveals that Molcars are descended from real guinea pigs.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Not alien per se, but Molcars can see inside their interiors by rolling their eyes back into their head and looking out through their dashboard.
  • Partially Civilized Animal: The series is about giant guinea pigs that primarily act like the small versions of their kind, but are capable of communication (albeit through squeaking), the ability to use tools and weapons, and an understanding of pop culture.
  • Punny Name: Molcars are in part named after the Japanese word for guinea pigs (morumotto, a corruption of Marmot) and a vehicle pun (the moto in morumotto sounds like "motor", and motors are used in cars).
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Come on, who doesn't love these giant guinea pigs?
  • Signature Sound Effect: the titular characters squeak so much it's right in the title. It's written out as "Pui".
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Molcars, despite their size, are terrified of house cats. Abbey is shocked to learn he has a cat inside of him in Episode 3, but if Episode 10 is any indication, his experience saving Episode 3's cat allowed the Molcar to tolerate them.

The Main 5 Molcars


An easygoing Molcar who sometimes ignores his driver's commands. Carrots are his favourite. He also has a brave side and will step up whenever anyone needs help, no matter the situation.

Pui Pui Molcar - TV Tropes (1)

  • Series Mascot: If any Molcar is the focus of marketing, it's Potato. He is front and center in the announcement trailer and in the opening animation, but he also gets the most consistent merchandise.


While Molcars are timid creatures, Shiromo especially gets frightened easily. Sometimes he leans a little too much into his kindness of his considerate driver and he also has a tendency to get into sticky situations of all sorts. Teddy is like an older sister to him and he likes lettuce.

Pui Pui Molcar - TV Tropes (2)

Click for Zombie Shiromo.

  • And Then John Was a Zombie: The fate of Shiromo at the end of Episode 6 in which a zombie accidentally bites him, then gets zombified.
  • Ascended to Carnivorism: Episode 6 ends with Shiromo turning into a zombie, as well as immediately switching from nibbling on a lettuce leaf to stealing a giant beef patty from the human zombies that turned him.
  • Butt-Monkey: Shiromo seems to get the brunt of the series’ abuse, from being carjacked to being zombified. After all that he accidentally gets launched in the air during the big Molcar party, landing on the sofa where Potato's owner is sleeping, launching her in the air.
  • Caught Up in a Robbery: Episode 2 is about Shiromo being hijacked by a couple of bank robbers using him as their getaway vehicle, as well as the Hot Pursuit between them and the police.
  • Empty Eyes: He gains them when he became a zombie in episode 6 to indicate that he is mindless.
  • Unexplained Recovery: He got "zombified" at the end of Episode 6, after that episode, he appear looking fine.


Has an Earnest demeanor and a curious mind. Dreams of the days when he can finally take off his beginner's sign. He has a heightened sense of pride compared to other Molcars. Not a fan of cats.

Pui Pui Molcar - TV Tropes (3)

Click for Itasha Abbey.

  • Butt-Monkey: Abbey is next in line for bullying with the first being Shiromo—from having a cat stuck inside of him, to having his share of a carrot stolen, to being blown up with rockets, and finally being turned into a Itasha on the day of his beginner sign removal.
  • Depending on the Writer: Who drives in Abbey depends on the episode. In episode 3, it's a cat owner with a yellow polka dot apron. Episode 5 instead uses a racecar driver, while episode 10 features an Otaku man, though the rocket in the latter's room implies the two may be the same person and in Driving School Episode 1, the Otaku being the racing driver is more heavily implied as he bought a pair of rockets and attached them to Abbey. Later advertisements and pictures confirm that both the Otaku and the woman are his owners as Otaku is the son of the woman and the racecar driver.
  • Itasha: Episode 10 has Abbey getting turned into a glittery pink Itasha with hearts and a Morumi decal. If anything, he would have rather liked to get a Superman Substitute or a Batman Parody makeover. It also shows the implications of doing this to somebody against their will (potential mockery). Either way, he still ends up a hero of some sort by channeling Morumi's power and saving a cat from falling, even if it's not the kind of hero he was expecting.
  • Otaku: Abbey's owner is a stereotypical anime otaku who's so obsessed with an in-universe Magical Girl show called Magica Morumi that he turns Abbey into a glittery pink Itasha with a Morumi decal. He later parks Abbey outside of a Brand X version of Animate, a Japanese anime store chain.


Teddy eats and moves a lot without second thought. She is a fearless tomboy, a troublemaker who always behaves outrageously, and is feared by her fellow Molcars. Teddy is brave but, also an accidental troublemaker, due to her impetuous nature.

Pui Pui Molcar - TV Tropes (4)

  • Action Girl: Over the course of the series, Teddy slowly became this. By Episode 6 she's willing to throw down with zombies, and in Episode 8 she's the main fighter of the two Molcar spies. She is also the one who wrangles and helps a shark going haywire.
  • Extreme Omnivore: While Teddy eats a primarily vegan diet like all Molcars, her owner feeding her trash has awoken her to consume pretty much anything. She can hold down the slop at the Driving school, gnaw her way through mountains of trash (even in flesh and blood animals), and only gets minor indigestion from it all.
  • Too Fast to Stop: When Teddy eats a Boost Carrot during the Molcar race, she goes so fast that she runs straight into a wall.


Choco is pleasant and graceful, and is powerful/specializes in physical ability. She likes beautiful things and always keeps her eye on fashion. She dreams to someday be the number one luxurious Molcar.

Pui Pui Molcar - TV Tropes (5)

  • Flowers of Femininity: Choco wears small blue flowers above her ears, indicating that she's female and also girlier than the tomboyish Teddy.
  • Out of Focus: Out of all the main Molcars throughout season 1, Choco is the least focused on. Each Molcar had a spotlight episode to show off their personality and a designated owner, but Choco usually played supporting roles despite having her own unique character description, and the people who take care of her wouldn't be identified in-show until Driving School.

Other Molcars


A molcar with headphones, who plays some loud music.


Exactly what he is. He could be way better at his job

  • Police Are Useless: Well, he ain't too bad at his job but he's easily distracted by food.


The ambulance mol.


A time travelling Molcar

  • Dark and Troubled Past: Inasmuch as y'all can get for this series but the gist of it is that, at some point, Cher was a regular molcar who went to get a ball for the little girl of the family that used to own them, however, things didn't go well when they lost their eye to an injury. They were abandoned after that.
Pui Pui Molcar - TV Tropes (2025)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.