For the Holy Priest Boss Advice we got together with Shelanne, moderator forWarcraft Priests and author oftheir popular Holy Priest guide.
Holy Priests in Castle Nathria
In this section, you will find information and guidance for healing Castle Nathriaas a Holy Priest. These are not complete encounter guides, butrather provide specific tips for healing as a Holy Priest.
During the Dragonflight Pre-Patch,Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination,and Sepulcher of the First Ones will be simultaneously featured asFated Raids. During this time encounters within each specific raid willinclude an additional mechanic and items will drop at increased item levels. Ifyou would like to learn more general information about the Fated Raids system asa whole, please see our overview below. Otherwise, continue to use this page forspecialization-specific tips.
Fated Raids Explained
Talent and Legendary Cheatsheet
You can easily import the talent tree below into the game with the following string:
The above recommendations all presume you are using the recommended Legendary Flash Concentration.
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Shriekwing: Flash Concentration.
Priority healing will be required for allies targeted with Echolocation. If you are the target of Echolocation,use Angelic Feather to move out quickly and consider using Desperate Prayer if you drop low.
Aim to have tanks topped up prior to them being hit with Exsanguinating Bite as it prevents them from receiving healing for ashort period of time.
- Kyrian: Avoid using Boon of the Ascended during theintermission as it is difficult to properly build stacks.
- Necrolord: If you use Unholy Transfusion during intermission,cast it on the stacked raid group for the immediate heal, as people won't beattacking the boss enough to gain healing from Unholy Transfusion.
- Night Fae: Guardian Faerie can be useful for a tank with Exsanguinating Bite. Soulshape is great for quickly moving inand then out with Echolocation.
- Venthyr: No specific tips. Use Mindgames as often as possible.
For more information, please refer to our Shriekwing guide.
Huntsman Altimor
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Huntsman Altimor: Flash Concentration.
Aim to have Holy Word: Sanctify and Circle of Healing ready forthe Vicious Lunge — having two instant cast abilities you can cast totop up the soaking group while you are moving will make healing this easier.
Prioritise healing the Rip Souls as they spawn during the BargastPhase. Guardian Spirit, coupled with the Guardian Angel talent,works well to increase the speed your raid can heal these to full.
In Mythic, the smaller Rip Soul adds are perfect targets for a well-placed Holy Word: Sanctify and Circle of Healing. Topping these up ASAPshould be a priority so none reach the boss.
- Kyrian:Try to time your Ascended Eruption for a time when your raid is stacked up for Vicious Lunge.
- Necrolord: Primarily use this on the target the DPS are focusing.This will heal the Melee and provide Unholy Transfusion healing to allDPS.
- Night Fae:Your tank may call for damage reduction from Guardian Faerie during some of the harder-hitting abilities that the"hounds" on this fight use, such as Jagged Claws by Margore. Otherwise,you can use this ability early and often to make use of the extra cooldownreduction on Divine Hymn, and the mana return.
- Venthyr:No specific tips. Use Mindgames as often as possible.
For more information, please refer to our Huntsman Altimor guide.
Hungering Destroyer
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Hungering Destroyer: Flash Concentration.
Be sure to have the raid at full health for both Consume and Desolate, as these abilities are the most dangerous sources ofraid-wide damage.
Spot heal the players having their health leeched during Gluttonous Miasma. If only 1 or 2 players are leeching, prioritise themwith Heal and Holy Word: Serenity. If up to 5 players are stackedup, prioritise Holy Word: Sanctify, Circle of Healing, and Prayer of Healing. Regardless of the number of targets, Prayer of Mending works well when cast on any leeching player.
- Kyrian: Aim to trigger Ascended Eruption near players stackedfor Gluttonous Miasma, or when the raid is moving for Consume.
- Necrolord: Fleshcraft is great for when you are targetedwith Gluttonous Miasma to reduce your damage taken.
- Night Fae: Your tank may call for damage reduction for Overwhelm, which will deal heavyphysical damage. Otherwise, you can use this ability early and often to make useof the extra cooldown reduction on Divine Hymn, and the manareturn.
- Venthyr: Door of Shadows can be saved for Consume to move further away. Use Mindgames as often as possible.
For more information, please refer to our Hungering Destroyer guide.
Artificer Xy'Mox
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Artificer Xy'Mox: Flash Concentration.
This fight has periods of heavy movement. Be sure to make the most of yourinstant-cast abilities such as Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Prayer of Mending, and Circle of Healingto continue healing while moving around the arena.
There is also a lot of spot healing required throughout the encounter,particularly from Withering Touch and Hyperlight Spark. Awell-timed Guardian Spirit can be a life-saver.
Raid cooldowns are used for Glyph of Destruction, which is the perfect timefor Holy Word: Salvation. Divine Hymn can be tricky to use as youmight need to cancel your cast if targeted by a Fleeting Spirit,so check your boss ability timers before casting Hymn.
If running X'anshi, Return of Archbishop Benedictus, there are many spotsduring this encounter that you could plan a death in order to heal the raid forfree when using it. You could either stand in one of the Seeds of Extinctionto kill yourself or stay in during an Edge of Annihilation cast.
Mythic: There are not really any changes to how you need to heal whendoing this encounter on Mythic. The difficulty of the fight is focused on theoverlap of mechanics which will require even more movement.
- Kyrian: Time your Boon of the Ascended usage around having itavailable for Edge of Annihilation in phase 3. The movement speedincrease and instant-cast spells will while the wormhole is active, and the raidis stacked up providing good benefit for Ascended Eruption.
- Necrolord: No specific tips. Use Unholy Nova as often as possible.
- Night Fae: Your tank may call for damage reduction from Guardian Faerie to help with Glyph of Destruction which is aheavy DoT that the tanks will need to take out of the raid, limiting the healingthey can receive. Otherwise, you can use this ability early and often to makeuse of the extra cooldown reduction on Divine Hymn, and the manareturn.
- Venthyr: No specific tips. Use Mindgames as often as possible.
For more information, please refer to our Artificer Xy'Mox guide.
Sun King's Salvation
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Sun King's Salvation: Flash Concentration.
This encounter revolves around healing multiple targets as quicklyand efficiently as possible. There are multiple priority targets you need to beaware of that need healing as part of this fight, not just your fellow raidmembers.
Kael'thas — It is extremely common to dump all possible healinginto Kael'thas in the first minute of the encounter in order to skip any shieldsand go right into the next phase. You may want to use Divine Hymn rightoff the bat for the increased healing, and coordinate your first Guardian Spirit and Power Infusion with your healing group toget the most out of your healing as you can. While healing Kael'thas, try to keep Renew on him for maximum uptime of Renewed Faith.
Soul Pedestal — Spot heal these raid members that arechannelling their Health into the Soul Pedestals. They take increasing damage asthey channel so continued priority healing is required.
Essence Font — You will need to spot heal the Essence Fonts asthey drop, as they will heal Kael'thas in turn.
Lasting Spirit is a great conduit choice for progressing on SunKing's Salvation when you take into account the healing increase you areproviding others in your raid group. You should run this alongside Resonant Words utilising two Potency Conduit slots if possible.
Mythic: Kael'thas will occasionally cast Unleashed Pyroclasm. The only way tointerrupt this is by healing a significant amount of damage from his Cloak of Flames shield. Guardian Spirit with the Guardian Angel talent is perfect for helping all healers break thisshield as quickly as possible.
- Kyrian: You will be able to get great value out of the Ascended Eruption and Ascended Nova during the DPS phase of thisencounter, as the group will be stacked and following the Shade of Kael'thas.The Ascended Blast will be a very good way to efficiently spot heal yourraid as well, which is wonderful since efficiency is very important in thisencounter.
- Necrolord: Make sure you are casting Unholy Nova on thepriority target to maximise healing from Unholy Transfusion.
- Night Fae: Your tank may call for damage reduction from Guardian Faerie during Vanquishing Strike from theRockbound Vanquisher. Otherwise, you can use this ability early and often tomake use of the extra cooldown reduction on Divine Hymn, and the manareturn.
- Venthyr: No specific tips. Use Mindgames as often as possible on the priority target.
For more information, please refer to our Sun King's Salvation guide.
Lady Inerva Darkvein
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Lady Inerva Darkvein: Flash Concentration.
Spot healing is required for targets affected by Shared Suffering and Shared Cognition.
Be prepared to heal the raid with Holy Word: Salvation or Divine Hymn if a vial of Bottled Anima shatters, causing Unleashed Volatility.
Mythic: Not much changes from a healing perspective in Mythic. It ismore about positioning while triaging tanks and healing priority debufftargets.
- Kyrian: No specific tips. Use Boon of the Ascended as often as possible.
- Necrolord: No specific tips. Use Unholy Nova as often as possible on the priority target.
- Night Fae: There are not currently any heavy-hitting abilities wherea tank may require external damage reduction. Use Fae Guardians earlyand often to make use of the extra cooldown reduction on Divine Hymn,and the mana return.
- Venthyr: No specific tips. Use Mindgames as often as possible on the priority target.
For more information, please refer to our Lady Inerva Darkvein guide.
The Council of Blood
We advise you to use the following Legendary against The Council of Blood: Flash Concentration.
This fight has a ton of ticking raid-wide damage. First, the raid will have aconstant Oppressive Atmosphere, which can get overwhelming and may require ahealing cooldown such as Holy Word: Salvation or Divine Hymn.
Spot healing will be required for raid members targeted with Drain Essence, these are perfect Holy Word: Serenity targets.
Mythic: Dancing Fever is a new mechanic which can be dealt within two different ways. If your raid team chooses to stagger the jumping so thedamage is spread out, then you will prefer Prayer of Healing, Circle of Healing, and Holy Word: Sanctify. If your raid teamchooses to jump at once then you can deal with this damage using Holy Word: Salvation and Divine Hymn.
- Kyrian: Boon of the Ascended can be used to either help deal withthe increased stacks of Oppressive Atmosphere, or on Mythic difficulty,it can be used to help counter Dancing Fever.
- Necrolord: Unholy Nova can be used to either help deal withthe increased stacks of Oppressive Atmosphere, or on Mythic difficulty,it can be used to help counter Dancing Fever.
- Night Fae: Damage reduction will be helpful for Duelist's Riposte and Evasive Lunge, the tank swap mechanics thatwill deal more damage each time they are cast and require a tank swap.Otherwise, use this ability on cooldown to make use of the cooldown reduction on Divine Hymn and the mana return.
- Venthyr: No specific tips. Use Mindgames as often as possible on the priority target.
For more information, please refer to our The Council of Blood guide.
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Sludgefist: Flash Concentration.
Every 30 seconds, Colossal Roar is cast and deals raid wide damage. Youare unlikely to use raid cooldowns for most of these, making them perfect timesfor Prayer of Healing, Circle of Healing, and Holy Word: Sanctify.
Mythic: After Sludgefist charges using Hateful Gaze, Destructive Impact will deal raid-wide damage. During this time, it isvery important that the entire raid soaks the falling debris, which will do evenmore damage. You can use Holy Word: Salvation right after the damagestarts and still be able to move and soak, or you can use Divine Hymnafter everyone has soaked and you can stand still and channel.
- Kyrian: Timing a Boon of the Ascended cast with Destructive Impact will help maximise its healing.
- Necrolord: No specific tips. Use Unholy Nova as often as possible on the boss.
- Night Fae: No specific tips. Use Fae Guardians as often as possible on the boss.
- Venthyr: No specific tips. Use Mindgames as often as possible on the boss.
For more information, please refer to our Sludgefist guide.
Stone Legion Generals
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Stone Legion Generals: Flash Concentration.
You will need to use Purify on targets afflicted with Heart Rend. Once dispelled, Heart Rend will turn into Heart Hemorrhage, requiring spot healing for the player that had HeartRend and, on Mythic difficulty, the player that dispelled it. You can use Heal on this or Flash Heal if emergency triage isnecessary.
There will be a lot of ticking damage from multiple bleeds such as Serrated Tear or Wicked Laceration, which will requireconsistent damage to the majority of the raid. While most of the time, you canheal through this using our general rotation, you may need to use a cooldown.Damage will also spike when the raid needs to soak a Pulverizing Meteor and mayrequire a cooldown like Holy Word: Salvation and Divine Hymn well.
Mythic: You will need to deal with the Stonegale Effigy, apushback that has the opportunity to knock you off of the platform and kill you.This is a great opportunity to use Leap of Faith on any raid members that needhelp dealing with the pushback.
- Kyrian: Boon of the Ascended can be used here when the Ascended Eruption will happen during the Pulverizing Meteor, orjust when damage is high via the many bleeds in this fight. On Mythicdifficulty, there is a chance a Pulverizing Meteor will happen during Stonegale Effigy, and the movement speed increase that Boon provides isvery helpful during that pushback.
- Necrolord: No specific tips. Use Unholy Nova as often as possible on the priority target.
- Night Fae: Tanks may need damage reduction for a few abilitiesthroughout this encounter, including Serrated Swipe and Stone Fist. If they do not, then you can use this ability early andoften to make use of the cooldown reduction on Divine Hymn and the manareturn.
- Venthyr: No specific tips. Use Mindgames as often as possible on the priority target.
For more information, please refer to our Stone Legion Generals guide.
Sire Denathrius
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Sire Denathrius: Flash Concentration.
Normal and Heroic: In the first phase, you will need to heal the raidas they take damage from Cleansing Pain so that they can drop their Burden of Sin stacks. The raid will be split up into groups for CleansingPain, so you will be able to easily heal them up via Prayer of Healingand Holy Word: Sanctify.
In phase two you will need to spot heal with Heal and possibly Flash Heal when players are hit with Impale. Youwill also need to heal the raid after Hand of Destruction, though thatdamage will decrease if you take a mirror portal away from the boss.
In the last phase, there will be a lot of raid-wide damage when Ravage is cast, which will be a great time for Divine Hymn or Holy Word: Salvation. If you are using Divine Hymn, make sure you position and time your cast well so you willnot be knocked back by Shattering Pain or hit by the Massacreswords.
- Kyrian: No specific tips. Use Boon of the Ascended as often as possible.
- Necrolord: No specific tips. Use Unholy Nova as often as possible on the priority target.
- Night Fae: Tanks may need damage reduction for Shattering Pain during this encounter. If they do not, then you can usethis ability early and often to make use of the cooldown reduction on Divine Hymn and the mana return.
- Venthyr: No specific tips. Use Mindgames as often as possible on the priority target.
For more information, please refer to our Sire Denathrius guide.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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