Create an event | Eventbrite Help Center (2025)

Create an event to sell tickets using Eventbrite. To get started, log in to your Eventbrite account and select Create event. Then, enter your event details and add your ticket types. After publishing, be sure to set up your order form and add your payout details.

In this article

  • Create a new event
  • Online events only: Create your Online event page
  • Set up your tickets
  • Publish your event
  • Other things to check

Create a new event

Log in to your Eventbrite account and go to your Events workspace. Then select Create Event. You can set up your event from scratch or create it quickly using AI.

NOTE: You can create an event with AI from Eventbrite's homepage without an Eventbrite account. However, you won't be able to publish it or access all available features without logging in or creating an account.



Add images and video

Select Upload photos and video to add images and video to your event page. You can upload an image directly from your device or create one with Canva. Adding videos requires a YouTube or Vimeo URL to a public video.

Update your event overview

• Title: Enter the name of your event as you'd like for it to appear on the listing and search results• Summary: Write a summary up to 140 characters that describes the most important details of your event.

Set up your event date, time, and location

• Date & Time: Enter your event’s start and end date and time. If you have an event that occurs across multiple dates, review your setup options. • Event location: Choose Venue if your location is in-person or Online event if your location is virtual. Select "To be announced" if you aren't sure of your location yet. You can change this later.If you selected Venue, you can also enable reserved seating.

Add information about your event

Use the description to give more details about your event.

• Select Add text to add another textbox.

• Select Add image to add an image to your description. Only JPEG or PNG files are accepted.

• Select Add video to embed a public YouTube or Vimeo video into your description. You just need to enter the URL.

Add more sections

• Agenda: Add an agenda to give your attendees an overview of your event’s schedule so they know what to expect at your event. Select Add and enter a title. Then add the start and end time. Select Host or Artist to add the name of any performers, speakers, or special guests you want to highlight.

• Good to know: For in-person events, you can highlight specific information for your attendees, such as age restrictions and parking details. Otherwise, add FAQs to answer other common questions your attendees might have.

Save and continue

Save your changes.

Online events only: Create your Online event page

If you selected Online for your location, create an online event page after you build your event. This page hosts information about your event that attendees can access after registering. Learn how to set up an online event.

Set up your tickets



Create your tickets

Go to Add tickets. Then create a new ticket type or copy tickets from another event.

Enter your ticket information

Choose a ticket type (free, paid, or donation). Then:

1. Give your ticket a name, like “General Admission”.

2. Add the quantity of tickets you have available.

3. Set the price (if it’s a paid ticket type).

4. Select the dates you want your tickets to be on sale.

5. Save your changes.Donation ticket typesdon’t have a set price. With donations, attendees choose how much they want to pay.

Optional: Choose your advanced settings

Select Advanced settings to add ticket descriptions, update your visibility, and more.

Optional: Create add-ons, promo codes, or holds

Add-ons - Add things like merchandise or parking passes.

Promo codes - Grant discounts or reveal hidden tickets.

Holds - Set aside a certain amount of tickets that aren’t available to the general public.

Publish your event



Review your event details

Review your event Image, date, title, and location to make sure everything is correct.

Select the event organizer

Choose an event organizer from the drop down menu. If your organizer isn't listed, create a new profile for them.

Choose your publish settings

Set your event privacy to:

• Public: your event is listed in Eventbrite’s search directory and can be discovered using all major search engines.

• Private: your event can only be accessed by people with a direct link or password to your event.

Set your refund policy

• Allow refunds: Allow refunds between 1 and 30 days before your event’s start date.

• Don’t allow refunds: Your event is non-refundable.

• Automate refunds: Review and process refunds manually, or allow refunds for eligible requests to process automatically.

Choose your search settings

• Set your event type, category, and sub-category to help attendees find it more easily.

• Add up to 10 tags. These will help your attendees find your event.

Choose a collection to add your event to. Collections let you group multiple events together.

Publish your event

Select Publish to make your event live.

Other things to check



Set up your event's order form

Choose which information to collect from attendees by setting up your event’s order form. Attendees will be prompted to answer your order form questions after checkout.

1. Go to Order form (under Order options).

2. Choose to collect info from the ticket buyer only or from each attendee.

3. Select the info you want to collect.

4. Optional: Add custom questions, like dietary preferences or t-shirt size.

Customize your order confirmation

Your attendees will receive an order confirmation email after they register for your event. Customize your event’s order confirmation to give them useful information, like parking instructions or what they need to bring.

Confirm your payout details

Add your bank account information and choose a payout schedule. The payout schedule you choose will be applied to all events in your Eventbrite account that use Eventbrite Payment Processing.Payment options is located under Payments & tax in your event. You can also add a bank account in your Finance workspace.

Promote your event

Public events are automatically listed by major search engines and shown in Eventbrite’s search directory. Your event link and other sharing options on your event dashboard. Use Eventbrite's marketing tools to promote your event

Edit your event

Most settings can be edited after your event is live. You can’t change your payment processor or delete ticket types after your event has orders. To make changes, go to Events and select your event.

Create an event | Eventbrite Help Center (2025)


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Article information

Author: Kareem Mueller DO

Last Updated:

Views: 5957

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.